
Don't want you to go, but the club is closing down



7 Years
Extra large
01-03-2019, 08:02 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2021, 06:44 PM by Torin.)

To say that he'd struggled to get to sleep that night would have been an understatement, even with Derecho there to offer him comfort and the gentle rhythm of her sleeping; which usually would have normally lulled him to sleep. It was a fitful, restless sleep he fell into at first, drifting in and out. Hours later he finally succumbed to sleep proper, exhausted and emotionally aching.

For a time he was surrounded by dark, blind and deaf to the world. Then slowly he felt warmth, the pleasant scent of lush spring time foliage, a contentedness.

Then he felt it, a gentle pressure on his cranium and slowly his eyes fluttered open; the sight that greeted him was familiar if not slightly off, wrong. The world around him was like a small slice of Lirim; he was snuggled among the roots of a willow and more importantly, standing before him was his niece, grinning down at him as if nothing had happened.

Torin's mind struggled to grasp what was happening, he felt sluggish; like he was wading through a thick swamp. At first, he was confused why he wasn't in his den, he wondered where Derecho had gone. Then slowly the events of the previous morning played out in his mind and as he glanced back up at his niece he felt his body respond with lightning quickness.

Torin sprung to his paws, wrapping his niece up in the biggest embrace he could manage, tucking her against his chest and under his chin, he was crying again this time an equal mixture of grief and joy. He wanted to ask her what happened; how it'd happen. But her words were slowly coalescing into meaning and it was dawning on him... she didn't know.

"Naeva..." Torin rumbled, his voice soft as he started to speak. "We are very far away from home right now." He pulled away just slightly enough to meet his niece's gaze. "It's a long journey to get here and I was the only one who could come today... and I'll have to go back soon enough. But yes, while I'm here I'd love to play."

"Silent Treatment" & Deep thoughts

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I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3