
Rhy babies?



4 Years
Extra small
01-04-2019, 06:34 PM
Name: Eulogy Destruction
Age: 2 (younger sister to Epitaph)
24" emaciated at first but will become light build
Personality: Eulogy is far from the most desireable of creatures. She tends to be a little quiet and submissive to anyone who tends to have any form of harshness to them. She only knows what she was taught and that's to be a mere tool for reproduction and for beatings. She easily rolls over to those who are better than her, which by all means is everyone. She is soft spoken and kind despite everything that has been done to her. She also does not resist anything that is done to her, knowing that she is better off doing what is wanted of her.

She could be considered shy, but really its submission. She is extremely gentle and very much so ready to serve whoever calls themselves her masters. Whether serving them be bearing them children or just taking a beating. Her family, or at least her destruction family, is held close to her heart. She will do anything for them.
Activity: fairly active
Plots:past: she wasn't separated from Rhyme and Rhythm, but allowed to be nursed by her and she grew up knowing exactly who they were to her. She was intended to be used by some of the slavers as a breeding bitch, but with toxic around she had no chance of ever becoming one. He starved and beat her whenever he was bored or angry. She didn't always have to do anything to earn the punishment either.
Present: she escapes in the confusion of Toxic's takeover. She's well aware Vlad and others might be sent for her but she just wants out. She will do her best to find rhyme and Rhythm but she was never taught anything but pain and what the slavers wanted her role to be. So she's gonna end up lost for a bit before possibly finding them, unless they find her first.
For the future: I just want to let her decide where her life will take her

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.