
Dancing In The Sunlight!


07-11-2013, 05:48 PM

Anubis watched, dark eyes keen on his surroundings, his front paws were turned inward, claws curled against his forearm, he stood silent on his wrists, watching, waiting for whatever soul was soon to join him. It didn't take long, nor did they disappoint. He had never seen a creature quiet like the one that emerged from the woods, muscles that rippled and were obviously built for a great deal of speed and power and...ah....were those canines? A predator? Well... not necessarily good for him. He studied her quietly, she seemed a bit small, perhaps a youth? Was she lost?

She seemed mesmerized by the surroundings and just as curious as he had been. He had never before seen materials molded and fashioned like this and apparently neither had she, this was obviously a site much older than either of them... not that that was surprising, he was only one after all. It didn't take her long to notice him and for a moment it seemed all they would do was stare one another down. She didn't have near as much fur as he and her coloring consisted of only two colors, her tail was much thinner and she appeared much more dainty. She was beautiful in his eyes, than again, he found beauty in damn near everything, her fast question caught him slightly off guard and he chuckled.

?M'belle, my name is Anubis, I am, ever so tactifully named, an anteater, tis a pleasure to meet you miss, might I inquire as to what you are?? His voice had the slight tinge of a french accent. He was fluent in several different languages, having ventured mainly about Europe, but he had never seen a creature quite like her before. Such an intriguing world they lived in no?
