
Out of the Pan and into...

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-05-2019, 03:48 PM
She could never let the knowledge that Rhyme was her first get to her. He was not for her, he never could be, never should have been. Attempting to get on with her life wasn’t easy, but it was a path she took with a bull headed determination. She was already shoving him into classifications in her mind, explaining away any emotions she had for him, and pretending that everything was okay.

She was grateful for the change of topic, more than happy to push Rhyme into discomfort with the talk of Tana. “Well at least you're certain about that.” she smirked at him, “Conceiving out of season hasn’t been that uncommon in our family Rhyme.” she raised a brow at him, studying him curiously. “But you didn’t know that, did you?” he hadn’t been raised as a healer, through he took an interest in it in relation to healing his battle wounds. She could have saved him some trouble if he had asked, but of course, once drunk, they had been far too occupied with other thoughts.

She closed her eyes, trying to banish the image, but found that that was no help. She opened them again, blinking at her Alpha partner, taking in the deep blues of his eyes, with the hint of pink that bloomed within them. “Males.” she shook her head at him, covering her feelings with a smirk. When had he gone to Tana to ‘practice’? Shortly after their own experience, no doubt.


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