
I'm not listening

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-05-2019, 04:08 PM

She waddled from her den, regretting the large dinner she had had the night before. She had felt unusually hungry, and had gorged to her heart’s content, and she already, impossibly, felt like she had put the weight directly on her stomach. She felt unusually clumsy and weighed down as she left her den that morning. Her tummy seemed to wiggle beneath her as she moved. She exercised every day, how had this snuck up on her? It was more than just winter fat, it was going right to her stomach, and not padding her muscles.

Feeling a little weird, the Alpha would ignore this change to her body, as any good healer would protest, and make her way through the pack. She would start with checking on on her winter recruit. She had helped him find a den after she had showed him the territory, but mostly had left him to it after that. After all, she had then had to deal with talking to Rhythm and Vail, and then Rhyme. That had been one of the most awkward conversations of her life.

She just wanted life to go back to usual now, wanted to find some semblance of normalcy in this madness. Helping a newcomer settle in felt like a good place to start. She stopped by his den, and gave a soft bark, to let him know she was there.

"Talk" "Listen" Think


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