
I'm not listening



5 Years
01-05-2019, 04:43 PM
He hadn’t taken much time to socialize since he had arrived. After Shaye had showed him around and to then find a den big enough for his form, Shaye had left him to continue dealing with other matters. He was a busy bee after that, sure the den had been okay, but the large male wanted to make it comfortable. His first step was digging it a bit deeper, wider, and packing the walls as best as he could. Making it comfortable and more suitable to last for a season. Then came the gathering of pelts. He needed plenty of pelts to line where he would lay so the male would hunt day after day. He would aim for as large as he could manag and skin it after the creature was dead.

Laying the pelts out on rocks to dry and tan. One they spent a few days in the sun he pulled them into his spot and piled them on, making a rather comfortable bed. The meat wouldn’t go to waste. He would drag the carcass into the center of the pack, where most of them were and left it for whoever was hungry. Antlers and some of the bones he would take and keep to craft later on and one to chew when he needed it. When he finished with his den he took a few days to relax. It was one of those days when Shaye came back to his den. He had caught a nice meal earlier in the day and ate his fill before returning into his den to play with his small collection of bones. He was in the middle of working with them when her soft bark called him from his task. Abandoning his craft he moved to the entrance.

He popped his head out to look at her before smiling and drawing himself completely out of the den. He took a seat in front of her. The first thing that came to notice was that it seemed like her abdomen was a bit more filled out, but he dismissed it for the moment.

“Hello Shaye,” he greeted.