
How did it come to this

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-05-2019, 06:49 PM
A bit of time had passed since Shaye and he had their first conversation since becoming too intimate with each other. Rhyme still ached with emotions, but he was slowly gaining control of those emotions. He felt better about where they stood, despite it not being what he desired. Tana was doing an incredible job at keeping him from going to the drink, and he had enough on his mind that he didn't have time to worry about things with Shaye.

He hadn't spoken to her or seen her since the other day, he'd been trying to give her space. It was good for both of them, and better on his heart that he didn't see her. She always seemed to be with him though, despite his best efforts. He'd lost track of his thoughts easily, with the gently falling snow. There was no wind, and the quiet was good for his head. Solitude and Imperia remained at the maple tree, he'd wanted to take a short walk in the snow. What he hadn't realized was that his paws were carrying him to Shaye's den.

The snow parted briefly and his sapphire and lavender gaze fell on her proud form standing at the entrance. He felt transfixed for a long moment, caught in her spell. All the progress he had made over the last few days became completely undone. His heart ached for her and he hurried to shove it down.

A small wind whipped up around him for a brief moment as he stood frozen, her scent was blown his way and he became still for completely different reasons as he felt his jaw drop. He iced over once more, but pushed himself forward. He wanted to hear it from her lips. "Shaye," He whispered as he drew close enough. Rhyme suppressed his need to hold her in that moment as he hoped she might deny what he already knew.