
Forgive and forget and die


07-11-2013, 06:22 PM (This post was last modified: 07-11-2013, 09:19 PM by Hureia.)
The dame had followed her brother to the cliffs. She hadn't really spoken to him out of pure jealousy. What had she become? She had become a monster. Hureia was always one to help out her brother and be there for him. But it seemed as if he didn't need her anymore. Foolish she ever was to think that. He was her brother for the stars sake! The femme's aqua blue gaze soon caught sight of something black, Thane. He was her opposite in pelts but similar in attitude and thoughts. Sure she had been a bit bitchy...well a lot recently but...yeah she wasn't going to finish that thought. But she wouldn't admit to herself that she rather enjoyed the sight of her nephews and niece. Surely children of her own would be welcome one day if that's what the stars would bestow upon her. But they already had and he had died, taken away. Of course she had never told her brother. Stupid, stupid why was she getting so difficult?

With a huff she appeared out of the blue and had aught her brother saying something to the open air.

"But my heart may never be blown away." she said with a small smile before walking up next to her brother. She wondered what he was doing up here.

Surely it was a nice view but she wasn't very keen on heights. In a small greeting she nuzzled his neck before sitting beside him, like they used to. Hureia felt like her old self was dead. And a new creature had formed after all the things she had done or thought she had done.

"I-I'm sorry. I owe you an apology. There are many things that I myself haven't told you." she said.

"when you asked me if I fancied anyone and I said there were two? I only mentioned Octavian...and now I know that he is dead. So is our child that I have never told you about either. But that other wolf I love is still alive. And in my mind I know I can't love him....and I know he won't love me back in the way I do..."She said as she stood up and started to walk to the edge of the cliff.

The dame looked her the edge as she tried to spit out the last words.

All her life the femme had loved her brother. All her life she was afraid she would reveal it. She had Ben promised herself never to tell him how she really felt. She promised herself this! And here the dame was telling him. Hires had been afraid of the disapproval of their parents. The disapproval of their pack mates. And now that they were all gone she thought maybe she had a chance. But no, her brother already had someone he loved. The jealousy came back up as the same jealousy she had felt with Amber. But now the dame is dead along with everyone else. But maybe she's still alive...if so then to hell with her. But if the dame was alive still then the dame still walked around with the Tsarev name Hureia and Thane's parents had bestowed upon her. But then again everything was her fault. Thane had PTSD because of her. Octavian loved her because of her. She had brought a son into the world and failed as a parent, that speaks for itself, because of her.

"You..." she said as she finished her sentence finally.

"I-I love you Thane. As my brother and then more than that....but..I have always loved you." she said as she turned around to face her brother and see his face. And as she did so her hind paws slipped on the edge.

With a yelp the dame was pulled down by gravity as her was came out and scraped on the dirt and dust. A whimper emitted from her maw as her hind claws scraped against the dirt.