
How did it come to this

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-05-2019, 07:00 PM
There was no doubt that winter was here, snow began to scatter across her coat the moment her head popped out of the den. It was just a gentle snowfall, and her coat was warm and thick for winter, it wasn’t enough to bother her just yet. Of course, it came with other concerns. Her den was not going to be warm enough for pups. The thought sent another wave of frantic beating across her heart. She hadn’t decided how to feel yet, her emotions where still smothered by the feeling of surprise.

Shell shocked, was a good way to describe. With the inability to yet move past her confusion, to decide how to proceed. How it was going to change her life. Was this how her mother had felt, after realising a simple one night stand had led to this? The thought gave a squeezing in her heart. She still didn’t forgive her mother for almost abandoning here, but she was no understanding her, as she never thought she would. If only she had Motif to talk to her, perhaps her mother would have helped to make this okay.

It was with this heartbreaking thought on the forefront of her mind, when a voice sprung out through the snow. She hadn’t heard him approach, lost as she was in her own thoughts. She sniffed, tears she hadn’t realised she had begun to shed, already chilling on her cheek. Not the best time for her Alpha partner to stumble upon her. She buried her feelings as best she could, clearing her eyes with a few blinks. “Rhyme?” she said back, the surprise in seeming him portrayed in her voice.


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