
How did it come to this

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-05-2019, 08:34 PM
Rhyme kept his gaze on her face, not trusting himself to peek at her growing belly. As the though crossed his mind he felt his gut tighten and twist. The calm that had seated itself with him vanished. His heart raced as he kept himself still, wearing the teasing mask as she clung to her duty like she'd spiral out of control if she didn't. He felt the same whirlwind of emotions

"Partially you could say," He managed as he tried to think of a reason he could admit to a business call. "I thought you'd be interested to know that Imperia and Solitude have built a nest." He decided to tell her. It wasn't a lie, "Imperia has laid some eggs." He added, which he wasn't so sure of. The dark raven hadn't confirmed it yet. Rhyme felt his heart drop again. Why had he decided to mention that particular fact?

Shaye went on to mention winter duties, her words coming out like she hadn't totally decided how to tell him this. He blinked his eyes slowly, feeling the storm of emotions overwhelm him for only a moment before regaining his calm demeanor. He opened his eyes again, and stole his first glance at her perfectly fit form.

He quickly removed his gaze from her visible bump. Not as exaggerated as Tana's, but he couldn't mistake it now. Rhyme's eyes fell to his paws. "I'll be here to do whatever you need of me." He'd put her in the position, he felt the warm spread of shame at the top of his head. "Anything." He again scolded himself for drinking so much. Rhyme loved her, but he'd never meant to give her such a burden.