
Just call me devil

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-06-2019, 04:47 AM (This post was last modified: 01-06-2019, 05:34 AM by Shaye I.)

Rhyme returned her question with answers, and a growl slipped past the Alpha’s lips. He wants Epitaph and Rhyme? He would have to go through Shaye, and every warrior in her pack, to get there. Ace had the right of it, stepping up as he did. She paid attention to the fight, and tried not to think too hard about Epithaph’s damaged nature, about how he would not care for himself unless directed to. Of finding him, stiff, and pained on her plains, refusing to find help in any way or form, because it would annoy his ‘masters’

Not thinking about it wasn’t going well, and.. The other options to think about where her unborn pups. She almost considering taking this man’s life, but, no. Valentine would want to question him, he was taking his warriors after them in winter. He would want to speak to this man, and could do with him what he willed. He would not be staying long in Abaven, where her weak pack members lay.

She considered her options as she watched the fight, the idea of this man so much as stepping foot in Abaven set her on edge.

It was a pleasure to watch Ace in action, he was assured, without fanfare and show, just set about what he wanted. When Vlad tried to escalate it to a maiming, he kept his cool, not retaliating past the fight itself. He clearly kept a cool head, and knew what he was doing. She had done well with him, and he was proving himself correct in his placement as lead warrior or Abaven. She almost grinned, if the thoughts of the slavers hadn’t left her feeling agitated.

Still, when the fight concluded, with Ace as the clear victor - putting Vlad completely in his power, showing how he could have taken his life, and letting him submit - she would nod her head at him. “Well done Ace” she told him, “Now, as your reward -” a wry smile here. “Your his guard. He is not to be given free range of the pack, we will put him in the thickets, not many den there, and don’t let him out of your sight. If you need to step away, call first for Rhyme or Ody - or, if Rhyme approves, Ignis. Do what you must to keep in line.” she allowed, feeling she could give him this room to move, he had already proved he had no desire to escalate things beyond what was needed. “I’ll bring him any necessary herbs myself” she added, because she would not let Tana or Vail anywhere near this slaver. She gave Ace ‘a look’ so he would understand her words about healing meant exactly that. Both where kind hearted, and might want to lend their aid. Both would be turned away. “Rhyme, a word?” she asked, she would step away with her Alpha partner after watching Ace follow Vlad. she had been standing right next to Rhyme, and wanted to know what the slaver meant about who he wanted...



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