
With all the strength of a great typhoon

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-06-2019, 05:32 AM (This post was last modified: 01-06-2019, 05:33 AM by Shaye I.)

The very thought of the slavers made her blood boil, the protective instincts that rose up when she thought of her weaker members just doubled knowing a slaver was in the pack lands. The lost wolves of Abaven where who she strived to protect, to build a life for. Of course, that also went to every member of Abaven, not just the ones who had been hurt and abused. She loved them all, but some made her protective instincts flare more then others.

As the wolves broke apart from the borders, she would first seek out Rhyme, and then find Ace. She made her way to the thickets, as she had asked him to take his new ward, and find out where she had stashed him. She would run first into Ignis, and smile at the young warrior. Perfect. “Hey, do you know where Ace went?” she asked him, no doubt he had been filled in by now about the slavers. “Think you could watch Vlad for a moment and send Ace here? Just, don’t trust a word that man says.” she warned the younger warrior.
That done, she sat back and waited for Ace to make an appearance.



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