
Pups! Grab 'em while they still hot! CLOSED

Amun Ra


2 Years
01-06-2019, 04:03 PM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2019, 02:01 PM by Amun Ra.)
OOC Name: Slash-GNR
Character Name: Recluse
Gender: Female or Hermaphrodite
Design: Design #1 or #2 or #4 going left to right...
Appearance: Design #1- Recluse is a dark beauty. Her pelt is enveloped in oak brown; obviously she takes after her mother. Lighter brown paints itself across her face, giving her almost a highlighted mask. Recluse's "eyebrows" are white, which is hereditary from her father. White also underlines the back, bottom part of her eyes. recluse's eyes are a bright, vibrant, and beautiful lavender. They stand out against her darkened pelt. The white markings only draw others into her orbs more. Recluse stands in at 32 inches. Her build is light, which gives her a willowy, seductive figure.
Design #2- Recluse has the body of her mother, but the eyes of her father. Her form is majority dark brown. However, Recluse's underbelly is off-white, which she has inherited from Hannibal. This off-white spreads up to her chin. In other words, the lighter color covers her chest. The insides of her ears are sprinkled with off-white. More off-white markings include: a highlight down the center of her muzzle, underlining of the back, bottom part of her eye, and "eyebrows". Black highlights Recluse's legs and rump. Her eyes are received from her father. They are a beautiful icy blue, which can stare into the soul of another. Her frame will reach 32 inches in height, and her build will be light... allowing her to sport a willowy frame. (I don't believe she needs albinism since the majority of her pelt is dark in color, but if so, then I cannot afford albinism currently and will have to make the nose dark.)
Design #4- Recluse takes after her mother. She hosts an oak brown pelt, but has lighter brown/tan highlights. These highlights wrap around the outlines of her legs and upper back. Her front legs are completely light brown/tan. Recluse gets her eyes from Hannibal, her father. They are a beautiful icy blue, which can stare into the souls of others. Recluse has a highlight down the center of her muzzle, and her "eyebrows" are the light brown/tan color as well. The insides of her ears are light in color as well. Recluse stands at 32 inches in height, and has a light body. This gives the girl a willowy, attractive figure.
Personality: Pup: As any pup, Recluse will be born pure and innocent. However, soon enough it will be clear the young female is anything but innocent. Perhaps she was born with a warped mind, or maybe something has effected her at a young age? Recluse will begin by growing distant. She will no longer find joy in the simple games that pups play. Instead, the dark beauty will become interested in the odd. She will thrive off of being different. Recluse will value and admire anything that is deemed unusual. At the start, Recluse will be a very quiet pup, maybe it will even concern her parents. This will become the norm for Recluse, though. All in all, as a pup, recluse will be once a happy and energetic girl, but will turn into a distant and silent girl. She will have a disconnection with her emotions. For an example, if Recluse is happy, she will come off as bored or uncaring. This will become more apparent as she ages. Due to her unusual personality, Recluse may lack in friends.
Adult: Ever heard of a Brown Recluse spider? It is a dangerous... Poisonous Arachnid. Just like the spider... This beautifully dark woman will be deadly. Her seemingly perfect frame being used to trap others within her web. She will be like her mother... A Temptress. However, she will also have the charms of her father. Able to slither her way into the hearts of others. Born with a silver tongue... Venom simultaneously drips from it. She is not afraid to speak her mind or say words that will stab others in the heart. Though she can be considered unfeeling, Recluse does have an ounce of emotion. This can only be triggered during certain situations. Recluse admires her family. Perhaps it isn't "love", but she will be very protective of them. Recluse will have a fascination with death and pain. Though she does not per say crave pain upon herself, she will enjoy watching others in pain. Her curiosity will peak when her eyes lay upon any creature writhing in pain. Curiosity is what feed her intelligence. The need and yearning for knowledge is great in the girl. She will be willingly to try everything at least once, and if she were to enjoy the adventure? Then Recluse will merely participate in the action again.
RP Sample: 150 word minimum.
Other: I plan on having Recluse, as an adult, having a moment of emotion, which will be strange for her. It will cause her to become angry with herself because she will believe herself to be weak. The effects will come later
Also, Recluse will be able to feel for others, but there will have to be a very good reason, and it will take time. Having feelings for another will be rare as well. However, due to being raised and loved by her family, Recluse will have emotions for her immediate family.
Also, I prefer to keep out how Recluse feels about being the daughter of a goddess. I'm not sure how Thys will tell Recluse about their heritage, so if I get the pup, then her feelings toward this will be developed IC.

WIP- RP Sample