
Those Who Fare Forward (band creation)



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-06-2019, 08:01 PM

A call sounded. One that sounded vaguely familiar, yet she was struggling to place the owner of the voice. She turned faces and encounters over in her mind, and after a few moments it clicked. The girl with the feline paws...Valkyrie, wasn't it? Okami had met her in the north a while back, and she remembered mention of a band. Okami had debated it with herself many times over on whether or not she would come when the time came. She had thought about staying with her family, but she wasn't even sure if her brother was still keen on recreating what had been lost. While she loved her family to death, she didn't want to live as a loner anymore. She craved social interaction outside of her family, and despite her shyness, she wanted more than what her family had to offer.

She left the North lands, heading to the battlefield where Valkyrie waited. It didn't take too long. Her size helped, along with her stamina from chasing down northern prey. Long legs carried her swiftly across the lands until finally...she reached the battlefield. She was hesitant when the grounds shifted into the fields of war. Her heart beating fast and hard in her chest. She had never been to the battlefield before. At least, not this one. She had been to the boneyard in Auster once...when her brother had been challenged for his pack.

She stared across the field, knowing that somewhere...Valk waited. Could she really do this? Could she really just step into a new life? Her heart hammered with uncertainty, until finally...she took that first step. She kept her gaze locked ahead while her paws carried her across the field. There was no turning back. Well...she probably could, but she wasn't sure if she wanted to now. Three figures came into view the further in she went, only one was familiar. Blue eyes scanned over the other two, promptly locking onto one with a set of small horns. Her eyes widened a bit as she approached. The world was so much stranger then she thought! First a wolf with cat like feet, and now a wolf with horns! Her gaze briefly found the other young male, curious to know if he too, had some strange and fascinating mutation. She turned to look at Valk then, though remained quiet as she gave a single nod of her head. This was it, she thought...this could be the start if a new chapter in her life.

"Talk" "You" Think

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