
The type of Attraction the Glows


01-06-2019, 08:45 PM

She tried to imagine what his plans were, trying to imagine the sturdy walls he intended to build. It was difficult to picture because she never before thought someone that looked to be the same as her could built something like that. Archon wasn't like her and it made her eager to see him build it. To see how he worked and how strong he was. Her eyes then turned back to him as he quickly thought over her second question. It seemed reasonable and she didn't feel like she would have a difficult time doing so. It reassured her that she could be a loyal follower as long as she tried. Her tail gave a few gentle wags.

"Where do we live for now then?" she asked.

She was ready to go to a camp or even a pack territory if that is where the others were. She wanted to get settled in, meet the others, and to begin her new path. She felt confident that she would be able to worship this god he spoke of and strengthen her belief in his religion.

"Adeline Talk", & 'Adeline Think"