
Ready, Set, Fire!



8 Years
01-07-2019, 12:02 AM

War drums sounded through the crisp air as Hannibal made his way to the battlefield. Its the furthest north the male had ever been but a certain call caught his attention. One that promised excitement and thrills, just what the hellhound needed on such a dull day. A light rain fell from the sky and thankfully it was not nearly cold enough to turn into snow. Just enough to give him a little shiver every now and again. Clouds covered the sun allowed for him to venture forth without burns. Otherwise he would have remained inside his den for the length of the evening.

Alabaster and obsidian fur twisted and twirled as wind blew against his form. Hannibal marched into the battle grounds with a devious grin. His unique eyes finally settled onto a muddied form in the distance. The rain died down to a gentle sprinkle but was enough to add a bit a flavor to what may come of this encounter. This was a place of bloodshed but today was without. They would likely spar which was a fight without significant harm. No teeth nor claw. Bruising and fatigue may come, but nothing to last. It would be good for the male to freshen up on his Wolf combat since had had only battled predators since being in Boreas.

As the phantom sauntered in his eyes dared connect with her own, "Let us dance." His vocals were but a delightful purr as he got right down to business. Hannibal hunkered down his defenses to ready himself for the oncoming battle. Blue and pink eyes squinted due to the threat of rain, lips curled to protect thin cheeks and expose horrifying ivories, ears flattened to his skull, his muzzle pointed down to protect his throat from slashing and ripping, hackles raised, legs bent and squared evenly to distribute weight for added balance, tail aligned with his spine, toes spread to grip the muddy ground, and breathing steadied to focus on the femme's first move. That is if she were so bold to take it.


speech action
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.