



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-07-2019, 01:14 PM
Tornach was pulling ripe sunflower seeds from the flowers he'd picked a few weeks before and had been letting dry, getting the seeds ready to store to feed to his captive prey animals over the winter, when a howl caught his attention. He only half paid attention to it - people howled for other people all the time, and usually it had nothing to do with him. His family rarely showed up to talk to him, and the few times they had they mostly hadn't had to call for him because they'd known where he'd be. But as the call faded into echos, the gray-coated male paused and looked up with a frown. Well, that was odd. The call was for... all loners who lived in the range and the knolls. He sent a brief glance around at the barn he was in, still frowning. He knew there were quite a few who lived around here on a permanent basis, though many others came and went on more temporary stops, but he couldn't remember a time when anyone had deliberately sought them all out in general. Specific groups of them, sure, but not a general call for all loners who lived there.

Curious, and more than a little concerned, he rose and deposited the flowers and seeds in a place safe from rodents before trotting out of the barn towards the call, coming from the border between the range and the knolls. He was surprised to see one of the Imperialis wolves there, presumably the one who'd called, and a brightly colored younger wolf Tor had seen glimpses of on occasion around the lands though he'd never met the boy. He wasn't one of the dark saberfanged wolf's young, though, Tornach was fairly certain of that much, having seen the two kids with the dark wolf from a distance and neither of them had been blue.

Eyeing Chaos warily, Tornach approached and tilted his head slightly, studying the male with deep blue eyes. The male had a faint scent to his fur, a pack scent, with the shallow sort of scent you'd expect in a new pack member who hasn't had the scent build up over time yet. Tornach felt his stomach drop at the implication, but he kept most of his concern from his expression, though there was still a distant worry etched in the line between his brow and the small frown he bore. He gave the male a curt nod, and a somewhat kinder one to the young blue-colored male. "Imperialis," Tornach said neutrally, unwittingly misnaming the youngest of Valentine's children. "Why have you called us together?"

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

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