
Late Fall Cleaning



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
01-07-2019, 04:24 PM
Something about the bitter cold of the north simply felt like home to her. Even on the warmest summer days, the northern parts of Boreas never felt like sweltering like these southern lands could, and nights always offered a reprieve from the warmth, a constant coolness in the air regardless of the time of year. While she was certain the same couldn't be said for these parts, at least she wouldn't have to worry about those hotter seasons quite yet. Perhaps winter would be pleasant enough to temporarily quell her worries - hopefully.

She was slightly surprised when Valdis answered her question with a scowl, though she was comforted by her immediate reaction.  "Glad I'm not the only one sulking over our new home," Asvor breathed a sigh of relief at her friend sharing these sentiments with her, but despite her sullen mood she offered a faint, slightly wistful smile to Valdis.  "I can't say this is where I expected to find myself, but.." The Finnvi woman found herself shrugging, her words trailing off. But what? This is where Valdis had agreed to go, and so she had gone too. She knew in her heart she wouldn't have gone for any other reason, but admitting that wasn't quite so easy. "I can't say I expected this, either. It seems like quite the change, but then again I don't know Chaos well enough to judge." He seemed a decent man, obviously one worthy of following as a leader, at least judging by the honorable way he'd taken voer Niente. Valdis seemed to think highly of him too, which didn't hurt his cause.

Without hesitation she moved to join Valdis and sit at her side, briefly letting her gaze sweep across the lands that lay in front of her friend's den. At least she'd picked a decent enough den site, and Asvor was reminded she ought to get working on her own. The thought was more appealing in theory than in practice, hence her delaying the task this long. "Saying I'm settling in might be a bit of a stretch. I'm fighting it tooth and nail every step of the way." Asvor offered another faint smile as she tilted her head back to watch Valdis over her shoulder, watching as she stretched her neck to reveal a new wound there.

Almost instantly a look of measured concern crossed her features once she got a better look at the wound, the corners of her mouth pulling down in a slight scowl. "What sort of trouble, exactly?" Though her words were mostly curious, her tone had an undeniable seriousness to it - she felt a swell of protectiveness in her chest, deciding she'd have no hesitation kicking someone's ass if they tried hurting Valdis. It was hard to tell what the wounds were from, so for now she'd wait and see what Valdis said about them. Before she got an answer she was already trying to recall what herbs she had stored in these new lands, which weren't very plentiful yet, and figure out what she could do to help Valdis.