
court of thorns

Ivy I


4 Years
01-07-2019, 04:43 PM
If it was fully up to her, she wouldn't do a damn thing for this stranger, not without some kind of compensation. Ivy was only selfless when it came to her family - for them, she would do anything. But helping a stranger wasn't exactly on her agenda, not when it meant getting possibly tangled up in the vines herself and getting thorns stuck in her pelt. She fought the rather strong urge to roll her eyes at Leera's empty threat, though on the other hand she wasn't sure Branch would be pleased if this woman had any kind of family and they came whining to him about one of his pack members not doing something as simple as helping someone out of a mess of vegetation.

"I don't enjoy threats," Ivy started coolly, narrowing her eyes in Leera's direction. "But I have too many siblings who would gladly help you, so for their sakes only I'll offer you my assistance. Though I won't argue about your assessment of me." Though there was no hint of jest in her voice, she offered a subtle, tight-lipped smile. Truthfully she didn't give a damn about what Leera thought of her, even if she thought her a shitty wolf for not. Somewhat begrudgingly, after thinking it over for a moment longer, she veered around Leera's side and gingerly begin to nose through the vines. She felt their thorns pricking her nose, but pushed through to grab hold of a mess of them and pull them away from Leera's back legs - perhaps it might hurt her some, but hopefully it'd give her enough leeway to slip through.