
How did it come to this

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-07-2019, 05:52 PM (This post was last modified: 01-07-2019, 05:58 PM by Rhyme I.)
He could see how much this decision effected her as well, but he could hear the relief in her voice as she thanked him for his word. Rhyme didn't think her next words made him feel any better, he just felt dishonest. How confused would they be when they were eventually told who he was. What would they think? How would they feel about such a secret being kept from them? He couldn't answer any of his questions. His head nodded in acceptance though.

She went on to explain herself further, Voicing what he didn't wish to fully accept himself. Though he knew he had to. As the mother to their babies she believed what they were doing would be most beneficial to the little lives they created. He wouldn't argue her point, he didn't have any good alternatives. Though he still wanted to run away with her.

She apologized again, showing that she knew how much his vow was going to hurt. He didn't leave her gaze, and he tried to smile though it was a sad excuse. He wanted to celebrate with her, to be excited about becoming parents together. That wasn't their destiny to share, and he became keenly aware of the loss. "I know," He whispered back, wary of how close she was. Rhyme couldn't indulge any more, it hurt too much. "We'll make it work. We always do." He tried to put on a brave face and sound confident but he couldn't help dread the challenges ahead of him. Of them.