
How did it come to this

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-07-2019, 05:58 PM (This post was last modified: 01-07-2019, 05:59 PM by Shaye I.)
She didn’t know anymore if she was doing the right thing, her confusion hurting her, like going through a branbury bush backwards. It left her feeling raw, and hurt. How was this going to work? It didn’t matter, only that it did.

She pulled back from him, slowly, missing their usual cheerful interactions with a hollowness in her heart. How had they managed to bring themselves into this mess? One night, one moment of stupidity, and their whole lives had changed, permanently.

She said, sitting back with a wince. “At least one of them is a kicker. Of course they would be, they’re-” oh, gheezes, was it really that hard? She blushed a little, shame faced. She realised her slip, and what it meant right at that moment. Like rubbing salt onto a wound, only with no healing properties. She shuffled, rearranging herself, rubbing a back paw across her belly, and finding the culprit. She rested her paw there, feeling the little movements, trying not to wince. “I.. I was thinking about names. If there are girls among them, I was thinking.. Poem, and Motif. After all, I kept this pack to remember what I lost, didn’t I? I would call a boy Bass. but.. I’m open to suggestions, too.” her voice was a soft whisper, uncertain if this also was adding to the pain, or if he would appreciate this chance to contribute to their names.


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