
How did it come to this

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-07-2019, 05:58 PM
How did one night of alcohol and no inhibitions turn into this? Rhyme's feelings for Shaye had completely changed, and they had made babies together. He was still in a state of shock. Maybe he would have been able to forget everything if it weren't for the swelling of his partner's belly. Their whole world was turned upside down. Rhyme couldn't bring himself to hate it though, he loved her too much, and the accidental pups. Their lives were going to be so much more difficult.

Rhyme looked back up to Shaye as she reclined, her posture obviously uncomfortable. She mentioned a real kicker, and almost broke her own oath. Of course they were... They were his. Rhyme's mind finished her sentence, feeling the hurt this oath would bring already. He tried to hide his own emotions as Shaye looked away ashamedly, knowing full well the weight of her misspoken words.

His own blue and lavender gaze was averted as she said it, he hated that she had to see his pain. He was an Imperialis, he was stronger than this. They were going to make this work. It seemed she was trying to make him feel a little better because she went on to mention the names she had picked out. He and Tana had yet to discuss the matter with their litter, but it felt good to know she wanted his opinion.

Rhyme looked back to her as she explained why she had chosen those names and he found himself reminiscing. He hadn't been related to the boy, but he'd gotten to know a young slave a year or so before. He had been the closest thing Rhyme had to a friend. They were forced into battle together, and while Rhyme had been fortunate enough to step away, Ryden had not. He hadn't thought about the wolf in a long time, his loss had hurt. However, if he could honor him by naming one of his own after him he would.

"Ryden." He started, more eagerly than he should have. "I would name my son, Ryden. After a brave young slave warrior I once knew.." He'd never spoken to anyone about the bright eyed boy who craved freedom but was never awarded that luxury. If Shaye pressed he'd offer more of an explanation, but his memory hurt.