
How did it come to this

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-07-2019, 06:05 PM
It was going to be a strange, and difficult balance to keep, this promise she had forced upon him. She would keep it as well, she would figure this out. She had never wanted to raise a family with such difficulties placed before them. She wanted them to live a normal, happy life within her pack. She wanted them to grow with love, to see what she had built here, and to be a part of it. She wanted to see them become her legacy, hers and his. It was quite possible that one of these children inside of her would become the heir to this pack.

“Ryden, a beautiful name, and i’m sure the child will wear it well.” she whispered. She could see that the pain in his eyes now where also from this new thing. She didn’t know the story of this Ryden, but she could guess it was no easy one. A soft sigh escaped her lips. She wanted the comfort of Rhyme, how it had been before. If these children were not his, she would be lying here now, laughing with him, at ease and comforted by his presence. What was she to do? She didn’t want to hurt him more by her presence, and would not ask him to stay. “We will have to work out patrolling and hunting over winter, with all these extra mouths to feed.” she commented, trying to steer them towards more logistic based conversation, rather then this emotional one.


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