
Already Dead

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-08-2019, 04:08 PM
She was determined to live up to her words, to show Acere her strength, so he would know she meant truth. She would go to war to keep safe the little ones under her care. Of course, Ace was also her solder, and he was one of the ones who would be at the front, fighting for them. He knew that, so why did he look so miserable? There was more to it than just the kids, clearly his brother had dredged up old memories, and-

Ace turned and dug his head into her coat. She blinked in surprise, before pulling him close as though he was family, as she would have for Vail or Rhyme. “it’s alright” she whispered as she pulled him close and let him feel whatever he was feeling. She was still a little confused as to what was going in his mind, but it didn’t matter. She would offer him comfort.

He began to cry, leaving Shaye feeling even more bewildered and hopeless. “Shh, its ok” she whispered gently into his coat. Then, Ace would speak, and she would tense, going still as she heard his words. Her breathing quickened, just a little. The sudden, undesirable urge to howl for Act and find that girl, swept through her. She held herself still instead, forcing herself to wait, and see if she understood Ace properly. “Who did he kill, Ace?”


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