
but i still love her, i don't even care

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-08-2019, 05:43 PM

She had started to build over the entrance of her den with riverstones, as Epitaph had suggested to her. It wasn’t easy going, but she was getting there. Her den was starting to look like something that could stand babies. Her shelves had been moved higher in the enlarged den, so not little paws would be able to touch the things she stored there.

As she dragged another stone to her den, a squawk caught her attention, and she looked up to see Winter, dancing through the air. “Come” the bird instructed, and was already turning and flying away. Shaye shook her head at the birds lack of manners, and looped after her.

She found herself being led to the edge of the territory, and would first see Rhyme dragging the corpse of his recent kill into Abaven lands. He wasn’t paying any attention to what was going on behind him, and only a stray glance would alert the Alpha. “Rhyme!” she barked, charging at a faster pace, approaching the corpse and covering his back when a coyote had thought him worthy of sneaking up on. She snapped her teeth at the creature, it would hardly be her first coyote kill. Now however, she had some extra weight on her, and other lives to care about.

She found herself not worrying about that as much as she should have as she snapped her teeth at the scavenger. It yelped and backed up, joining ranks with its pack, who stood on the outside of the pack borders, eyeing the prey ,and definitely weighing up the benefit of crossing the scent marker to take what Rhyme had brought down.

Shaye’s protective nature had kicked in and she took a battle stance behind Rhyme, growling in warning, how dare these creatures think they could hurt what was hers. Thi was Abaven and they had signed their death warrants.


Words: 323


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