
but i still love her, i don't even care

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-08-2019, 06:00 PM
His thoughts were quickly interrupted as Shaye’s voice rang over the flat area at the edge of Abaven. The old dried grasses hid the pack from his view as he had been distracted, but he became suddenly aware of the danger they were in. Suddenly Shaye was at his side, warning of one of the more bold members. Rhyme gave her a grateful look as she warned it away, but quickly the two of them would become surrounded. Rhyme couldn’t tell how many of them there were, but they were hungry enough to threaten two very large wolves for their kill. Even going so far as crossing their obvious border.

Rhyme felt his hackles raise as he pulled his lips back to expose his teeth. He wouldn’t allow Shaye to be hurt, and he wasn’t about to give up his kill either. He had many mouths to think of, and this would do them well during the cold nights. He let out a warning growl, loud and deep from within his chest. He forgot all about the turmoil that occupied his thoughts and focused solely on protecting Shaye and the valuable kill.

Of course just a show wasn’t going to cause the coyote pack to back down. He stood close to Shaye, the both of them standing over the sheep. She stood facing South and he faced North. His ravens did their best to assault the stray members of the pack, at least two of them wouldn’t have an eye by the end of the day and he would argue many of them wouldn’t have their lives. He balanced his weight over all four paws as he flagged his tail and bent his knees. This wasn’t the first time they had taken on impressive opponents together.

Two came at his right side, he reacted in tune, snapping at the closer one’s face, tasting blood, as he sought to crush the second one’s muzzle. The first managed only a few scratches on its face while the second crumpled to the ground with a quickly cut off yelp. The first managed to sink its teeth into his left shoulder on its way past and back to the safety of the pack. Rhyme growled in pain as he returned to his place and watched for the next opponent. Keeping his eyes on the ones in front of him and the ones threatening Shaye.

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