
but i still love her, i don't even care

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-08-2019, 06:14 PM

It felt oddly satisfying to be back in the familiar motion of taking on an impressive enemy with Rhyme at her side. It pushed aside the heartbreak, the drama, the events that had happened between them. It put things right in the world again, reminded her of how things had been. Her heart beat steadily in her chest, and well she was weary she was not afraid. She trusted deeply in the man beside her, and knew that her back was safe.

As Solitude and imperia dived from the sky to take shoots at the coyotes, Winter would join in. the three worked together in an impressive flock, harrying and distracting from the sky.

She was surprised at how many coyotes there where, and the sheer audacity of them. It was clear that they had been experiencing a leen winter, a fact that worried Shaye. Would her pack be experiencing the same threat later in the cool months? She pushed the thought aside, the greater concern what was here and now, in front of her.

She could hear Rhyme snapping behind her and knew he engaged the enemy. Two went at Shaye as her ears perked backwards, listening to what was behind her. She was ready however, knowing the sneaky tactics of a coyote pack. She swiped at one with her paw, keeping it at a distance from her. The second she snapped at, just grazing the fur on its head as it ducked to the side.

A thids she hadn’t seen speed quickly to her side, scoring a swipe at her belly, which they had already seen as her weakness. She felt the sharpness of claws, the stickiness of blood. She lost her head. She roared her anger, seeing red as she charged at the one who had dared threaten her pups. She toppled it with a swipe of her paws and landed on it with a furry of teeth, ripping and tearing before she felt another coyote’s teeth latch around her hind paw and tug, yelping excitdely at the wolf they had seperated from Rhyme’s side. Winter was suddenly there, screeching as she scored a hit on this coyotes eye, through it didn’t give up the fight. Shaye would have gone for it, but another of the pack was already heading her way, her throat it’s clear target. She tucked her chin and swiped at it, a deadly grow in her throat.


Words: 406


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