
Rhy babies?



2 Years
01-08-2019, 06:22 PM (This post was last modified: 01-08-2019, 06:24 PM by Forsetia.)
Name: Tragedy Destruction
Age: 2 years
Appearance: [Image: VVoXeRs.png] 32'' Light build.  
Personality: Tragedy would be raised much differently than if she were raised by a slave woman. At a young age, the girl was taught to be proud of who she was. Don't let anyone tell you that you are anything less. Tragedy took this to heart, but she is not arrogant prideful. In fact, she is humble and has a large heart. Tragedy wishes to help anyone or anything she can within her power. The dark beauty is adventurous as well. Her strong curiosity fuels her adventurous spirit. Though her name suggests otherwise, Tragedy loves to crack jokes. Most of them are really bad (not funny), but she sure gets a kick out of them. It is not uncommon for her to make herself laugh, or for her to laugh at something dumb. Tragedy is very stubborn. Once she has her mind set on something or someone, she will get that thing. If she doesn't? Then the failure will effect her negatively. It depends on the failure, but sometimes she will punish herself to certain degrees. Tragedy is very independent. She isn't the type to ask for help willingly, nor is she the type to ask of the assistance of a man. A woman can do just about anything a man can, right? Tragedy believes that completely. Though somewhat perfect so far, Tragedy does suffer from major anxiety, which may cause her to not eat or possibly give her mood swings. She cares tremendously about how others view her. Tragedy compares herself to others frequently, especially other females. She is a nervous flirter too. If she finds a man attractive, then she will most likely ramble or say something dumb, maybe crack a bad joke because her mind just flat lines. Finally, Tragedy is a smart girl. Though sometimes she may say things that don't show off her smarts, she does have a nice brain. All in all, Tragedy is a woman with a heart of gold, but she is plagued by her own insecurities.
Activity: I'm on everyday, so I can post everyday.
Plots: How did they escape the Slavers? What kind of relationship do they have with Rhythm and Rhyme is any? Tragedy was taken away from her mother as a newborn. However, Rhythm was granted the right to name her daughter before she was taken away. Her mother named her Tragedy because it was a tragedy that her daughter was to be taken away from her.
Tragedy will know that her adopted parents are not hers because they look nothing like her (they will be dead by the time I bring her into RP). She will go searching for her birth mother, and hopefully she finds Rhythm someday.
Other: I'm hoping/planning on Tragedy finding her brith mom, and her birth mom telling her why her name is Tragedy.