
but i still love her, i don't even care

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-08-2019, 06:24 PM
He was far more concerned about Shaye than the dead sheep at his feet. At first the slate alpha didn’t notice Shaye being driven further from him as another Coyote came out of nowhere and latched onto the thick fur of his neck. He shook it off, snapping at its hind end as it made retreat and his blue and lavender gaze fell onto Shaye and the coyote that went for her belly. She raged more than he did and the vermin was quickly dealt with. Of course, it wasn’t the only one. Rhyme saw the last going for Shaye’s throat and he didn’t even think as he acted.

Rhyme bowled over one that had been going for him, not even seeing the creature as it rolled under his thundering paws. Winter screamed and his own ravens continued their assault as Rhyme reached Shaye’s side. She snapped at the small canid before Rhyme consumed the beast in his jaws. He took it by the throat and shook it with all his might. It’s life was quickly removed from its body but Rhyme was consumed by emotion. The large male continued his shaking as blood poured from the animals body and coated him and the white snow around them. Already three coyotes lay dead, and the pack could be seen beginning their reevaluation of the situation. Many more could die, or they could continue on and seek out a different source of food.

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