
Insert 90's Dance Music Here [Wedding Celebration]



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
01-08-2019, 08:37 PM
With slow, confident strides Valentine made his way through the territory. He wasn't in a hurry, but he didn't want to be too terribly late lest he miss out on whatever goodies were handed out at a wedding. He'd been promised entertainment (well...kinda) and good food and he expected both.

Upon arriving on the scene he paused on the fringe to look the gathering over. The newlyweds stood out sharply. As expected, the woman was gazing all cow-eyed at her mate and while Valentine couldn't see the groom's expression he assumed it matched the bride's. There were a few others present as well. Rhyme, a little slave woman at his side, a tall, mostly white man with two rowdy fox kits, and a bright red boy. None save Rhyme were familiar to him, but he didn't want to hover at his son's side like a decrepit old vulture. So instead he bumped Rhyme's shoulder as he passed by and gave him a sly look before wandering over to the booze.

He picked up a bottle, wandered off a short distance with it, and then laid down with his prize between his paws. This seemed like as good a place as any to watch the proceedings. He could only hope the drinks were strong enough to make the guests entertaining.

Before he could open the bottle of cider Valentine spied Rhythm. While she seemed to know most of the wolves there he couldn't very well leave her to her own devises. That didn't seem like fitting behavior for a plus one, so he rose and padded over to her with bottle in tow. After setting the bottle down he murmured to Rhythm, "Ceremony went well, I take it?" He then leaned down to nuzzle her cheek.

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.