
Pups! Grab 'em while they still hot! CLOSED



5 Years
Extra large
01-08-2019, 11:17 PM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2019, 07:55 PM by Marvel.)
OOC Name: Denny
Character Name: Arson Ithuriel-Klein
Gender: Male
Appearance: 34" - Light build
Pup//A mottled bundle of pale fur dappled in vague hues of oak. Two toned eyes won't deepen into their adult hues until nearly a year has passed since his birth, and thus they seem to match for the beginning of his life. Oversized auds will eventually be grown into, but it will take some time.
Build// Svelte and delicate, a creature crafted of fine silk and porcelain. High born elegance culminating in the most eye catching creature imaginable. He bears a regal countenance, hard angles and sweeping limbs. Jutting hip bones frame his slender waist, tapering from a slim chest. An ancient lineage of desert wolves lends broad paws to his form, allowing him to grip on all forms of terrain and hold his own across the sand. A long, plush tail extends from his hind end, bordering on abnormal. Glorious crown is held aloft by the sleek pillar of his neck. Features sleek and severe, cheekbones like razor blades support his orbits.
Coat// A thin, sleek pelt bears his most regal colourings. He dons a coat of white, marred by the fine chocolate of his mother's lines. Underbelly painted in the hues of his dam, neck wrapped in a mimicry of her markings. Cranium dipped in darkened hues, but stained in mismatched white. A finely crafted marking from an archaic lineage decorates his right optic, while pallid hues slash across the rich brown around his left. Each limb is dipped in hues of oak, though his sire's genetics break through in the form of broken alabaster. Marring the socks upon his front left and hind right paws is the purest of ivory.
Eyes// Mismatched hues of whiskey and carmine, hellfire captured within each. Framed by thick, feminine lashes.
Scent// Sage, jasmine, roses, and ash.
Stance// One might describe Arson as cocky, for he holds himself with the assurance of a male who knows exactly who he is. Superiority and finesse bleed into his every movement, and he holds himself with the bearing of royalty.
Haughty// descended from royalty, the boy knows his lineage. He holds himself in high regard from an early age, raised under the assumption that he is superior to most other children with his high born ancestry. He walks, talks, and breathes a holier-than-thou attitude. Head and tail high, he moves as though the very ground is blessed by each paw that touches upon it. Worship him, mortal filth. Praise him, and you will know the love of divinity.
Snide// well versed in the art of tasteful sarcasm and backhanded comments. Arson is an artist, and his medium is the side eye. He tends to look down his nose at others, especially if they are doing something he doesn't like. He won't suffer fools, nor will he entertain pointless interaction.
Mischievous// somewhere along the line, he developed a taste for chaos. Causing mayhem and misery wherever he goes brings him endless delight. He finds joy in ruining the lives of others, be it brief or extensive. Dropping mud into their den, or destroying the things they hold dear, they all bring him great pleasure. A veritable trickster, he wears a divine facade and pretends to be benign.
Manipulative// a terrible little liesmith, the knows how to shift others desires to match his own. He learns quickly how to alter his wording so that his goals are met. Convincing others to do his bidding becomes a talent of his. As he grows, so too will his prowess. Arson is quite the chameleon; donning whatever mask will get him what he wants.
RP Sample: 150 word minimum.
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