
Kitty Go Bye Bye


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
01-09-2019, 01:08 AM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2019, 01:10 AM by Acere.)
Set a day or so after his fight with a tiger

The trek from the north hadn't been too bad, though snowfall seemed to follow him nearly the whole journey. It had stopped a few hours ago though, allowing him to continue the rest of his journey to Abaven without worry. The right side of his rump hurt. He had gotten in a fight with a white tiger, and the result of that battle was being carried in his jaws. With the help of the blind man's companions, they managed to take the tiger's pelt...head and all, and Ace planned on doing something with it. A nice fur coat didn't sound bad, and ideas of using its teeth and claws to wear as accessories sounded appealing as well. Everything was rolled up in a bundle and ready to be worked. But first...he needed to get his injuries looked at. He was tired, but he pressed on. Wanting to get back to the pack before they started to think he went missing.

The exhaustion was catching up, however. He went north, fought a tiger, and traveled back to Abaven without stopping. Although he was a strong wolf, he was aware that even he had his limits. The throbbing of the injuries he sustained did well to make him remember that. His strength was waning, but lucky for him, his legs didn't give out until he was at Abaven's doorstep. He collapsed to the ground, breathing hard as his wounds throbbed painfully. He didn't know if they were already getting infected or if he had overworked his muscles, but either way, he howled for someone to help him. The alabaster male laid on his side left side to rest, though he didn't think he could get back up at this moment if he tried.

-Extensive lacerations on the right side of rump (top of back near the base of the tail to mid-thigh)
-Puncture wounds in the scruff
-Bruising on shoulders, torso, chest
-Mild lacerations on the right side of the neck
