
bleed me your despair



7 Years
01-09-2019, 04:09 AM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2019, 05:25 AM by Nephthys.)

The witch succumbed to the placid atmosphere quickly, gracefully (or as gracefully as she could in her current state) allowing her slightly fattened abdomen to collide with the white blanket of snow that covered the vast terrian, resting besides her companion. She allowed her ebon, long lashes to flutter and obscure her glittering violet eyes from view as well as conceal the view of her surroundings that had been consumed by the crisp hues of winter. A moment of peace, relaxation, her auditory system catching the winter, chilled breeze that ruffled her luxurious pelt in cascades, alloowing herself to completely sense the bite of it on her isabelline-white skin under it without as much as tensing a muscle against it. She inhaled the difference scents that adorned the woodlands; the trees, the animals and if she tried hard enough she was almost sure she could almost taste the scents of other wolves not that fat from here, mixing, more than one or two but just thoughts of curiosity were pushed from her mind before she mate a mental note of it. Rapid and raspy breathing gradually shifted to a more sluggish rate as her heart pulsated less frequently, the comforting silence draining a majority of her anxiety and distress from the confines of her diseased mind and dreadful situation, urging a moment of serenity upon the wretched wraith that was ultimately demolished as the melodious voice of the ashen queen flooded her auditory system, causing her lids to snap open to reveal glaring and fiery gaze. Love? the witch repeated the word as if it burnt , arching a thin eyebrow in question. Of course she knew of it, she had felt it before for her parents, for her siblings and for her dear beloved, Setekh that abandoned her a second time. I used to know it, that much is true. she offered softly, stretching her toes before her, attempting to reach a more comfortable position for her abdominal region yet as she pondered her question, images of Setekh, of her beloved brother and mate flooded her mind; she was sure that if she closed her eyes now she would see him there, before her. Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you vulnerable. It opens your chest and someone can mess you up in an irrecuperable way. her voice was dark and heavy, violet eyes gazing at a single dot, far in the distance, maybe even over the horizon yet her optics were out of focus; there was nothing there, not anymore.

As she slowly came back to her own reality she was fortunate enough to catch a few words from the ashen queen sentence and put them together. A story? She was no story teller but she doubted this was what the woman wanted. No. There was more behind it. She took a quick glance towards the other physique, studying her expression as her gaze fell in the distance. Once upon a time, she cleared her throat, allowing her crown to rotated towards the horizon line once more, in a deserted land a God descended from the skies. He wore the colors of the very sand he stood on and his fur glowed the same way the sun does. The God choose a pure breed woman to bed him and be his beloved and for season to end they where happy together in their serene area, no matter how harsh were the ways or laws of the desert. her claws dug through the earth in front of her, Their marriage resulted in a litter that he had abandoned within two seasons. They did not know why or how, he just vanished without a trail exactly like he came. her luxurious tail slashed behind her, exposing her abdomen even more, as her voice started to slightly break, They were left to fend for themselves. Their mother, she sighed darkly, heavily, it was too much for her. To feed and protect four pups. She died. a relatively long pause took place while the witch was softly mouthing a inaudible prayer. They were scared. So scared. And oh, so hungry. They had to. They had to do it. They had to eat her. It was the only way they could make it. It was the only way they could survive. Otherwise.. it was then that the witch began to hyperventilate, the words coming out of her mouth in a rapid and harsh current of events that for some ears might not make any sense. otherwise.. she broke so softly, like a porcelain doll, breaking into a million pieces as silently, the pearl-shaped tears rolled down her sculpted, high cheek-bones from wide luminous eyes. If it were for her she would describe her sadness like death by a thousand paper cuts, for every time she remembered her loss it was another cut to her already damaged mind. None were enough to kill her, but overtime their accumulation bled her of the humanity she had once had. She once felt love and lost it. The second time she was reunited with her siblings she lost them as well. And now.... And now I will die too. I cannot do this, Leera. she shook her crown violently, abruptly raising to her haunches, I can't do this. I cannot end up like her! The sadness and scare flowed through her veins and deadened her mind. It was a poison to her spirit, dulling her, killing off her other emotions until it was the only one that remained. It was as if a black mist had settled upon her and refused to shift, and no matter how bright the day was she would feel no sun and hear no bird song. For the world was lost to her the moment she had the first morning sickness and then the second and the third, and she knew of nothing that would bring it back into focus.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together