
Oh, Despicable Me



8 Years
01-09-2019, 10:44 AM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2019, 10:46 AM by Hannibal.)
Mature language and content.

To ignore such a dominant, arrogant, and abrasive Wolf was a great sin. As the female danced across the fresh blanket of snow it was very evident she had heard his putrid calls. The male allowed for his salivating jaws to open and he took in that familiar scent. Though, there was a touch of hormones he was not expecting. Hannibal could not pinpoint the smell but he knew it was much different to her former heat. A little brow raised before he shook of the curious thoughts. The femme was a puzzle to begin with and he had no time to piece things together as her lithe bodice slipped away. Hannibal slowly got up from his resting place, snow falling from his already pale form. He shook off the remainder, sending pebbles of snow flying from his alabaster tendrils. A devious grin moved across chilled lips, it was time for a chase.

Hannibal sauntered forth with an erect tail and a smug look across his features. Had he scared her off so soon? Was he too rough for her delicate body? Why would she run now if she so eagerly called upon him previously? A call that beckoned him to bed her. It was mutual to say the least and she did not seem to not enjoy it. Frustration now bubbled in his horrendous cranium as he thought over the possibilities. The dots were not connecting in the slightest. Thus, as he followed her trail the male barked forth another set of baritone vocals. "Why does the vixen run now?" He kept her pace and followed behind her. Hannibal growled as he observed those hips flick left and right, "She summons a stranger for a quick fuck then ignores him weeks later?" The male was now talking himself into a much deeper rage, his own words were whispers of boiling blood. He spat forth his next tones as if a venomous serpentine ready to strike. "Perhaps you are just another little bitch who cannot own up to her actions. You are all talk." With that he stopped his tracks with black and white lips curling upward to expose devastating fangs. In those moments the fae would either slip away into the shadows or show him her true colors. Which of those he wanted? Hannibal hadn't a clue.

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.