
Ancora Adoptions 2.0



4 Years
01-10-2019, 02:10 PM (This post was last modified: 01-29-2019, 02:56 PM by Tyranis.)
OOC Name: FenBen
Which Ancora?: Ardat Lil Abraxas
Name: Valac Abraxas
Appearance: Valac is unassuming with his lightly colored fur and average size. His coat his various shades of cream with a light brown blaze that runs from his nose, over his head, and down the back of his neck to blend into a faintly ticked saddle. The scars on his face are by far his most jarring feature making an otherwise comely and handsome wolf a sore sight for anyone unprepared for it. One large scar crosses over his left eye, leaving him partially blind, a condition that is expected to worsen with time. Although he bears two heavy scars on his throat the man is thankfully still able to speak although his voice is soft and jaded.

The man's fur is long and silky to the touch with a glossy shine to it that speaks of long hours of grooming. His eyes are blue although a cloudy cataract is plainly visible in his left eye. His right ear is cocked slightly; a result from the same attack that left him so heavily scarred. His legs are just slightly longer than his torso, giving him a runner's build, although his wide chest speaks more of a fighter.
Although his light pelt and scarred face may beguile a gentle and calming wolf Valac's personality is anything but. His mind is a vast network of information interwoven with details and spiteful intent. It's hard to say what goes through his mind at any given time as his expression is always carefully neutral.

Some days Valac lays in his den, leaving only to eat and drink while others he insists on participating in as many pack affairs as he can and committing to gathering and spars that he rarely follows through on or simply abandons partway through. The prospect of losing his littermate again terrifies him and he often becomes paranoid when he goes even a few hours without seeing Prosperina, however it is very possible that when he does see her he may lash out violently at her.

Relationships with Valac are in a word; chaotic. His relationship with others will largely be based on his first impression of them. Those he becomes attached to could be prone to his catastrophic thoughts and his often violent and hateful outbursts of anger, as well as his paranoid delusions.He demand constant affirmation that he isn't hated by whoever else is in the relationship with him. At the same time however he'll feel the need to test the limits of his bond with them
Alignment Neutral Evil
Plans?: Nothing set in stone just yet other than getting him to the empire
Other: Going to make this guy navigation/ fighter
RP Sample: I wanna see how you'd portray this character! Maybe even write about their return/adventure coming home, etc.

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  