
Raven's Plotter



6 Years
Extra large

01-10-2019, 04:11 PM (This post was last modified: 05-09-2019, 03:02 PM by Elias.)
6 Years - Male - Chaotic Evil - Loner
Taken/mate missing.
Fighting | Hunting

    Elias is a schizophrenic wolf, troubled from the childhood trauma he could never let go and the wonderful inherited psychosis from his mother's side. (That's why Ace is otherwise sound in mind compared to him.) He used to be much more in touch with his heart, but he has already grown quite senile. The ghosts his father based their pack around growing up have completely consumed his mind. In a manic effort to cure his madness, he will often act in violence without warning to attempt to please the 'demons' that haunt him and hope to fulfill what he owes them so that they may leave him alone. He has lost balance and direction, but currently has hopes to pass on his knowledge of their heritage to his many children before he passes. He also has a developing brain tumor that is creating pressure and making his condition worse at times, and will completely take his life within the next year.

  • Open to threads with his children primarily.
  • Open to fighting threads, and healing threads should any healer believe they can help.
  • Not open to romance, unless you don't mind if it is one-sided.
  • Not open to pack plots, he will probably follow Tyranis around for awhile.
  • He is incredibly closed-minded, homophobic, and a religious zealot. Conflict welcome.

1 Year - Male - Neutral - Loner
Fighting | Intellect

    Dominus had a bright childhood during his stay within Ruina. He learned about crafting and pets from the other members there, and enjoyed playing with his siblings. He was a little cocky and goofy at times, often trying his best to make his twin sister Domina laugh. When Elias decided to leave Ruina in search of Zuriel, he wanted to take Dominus but Dominus refused to leave without Domina, so the two set out with their father. On their journey, their father's madness slowly consumed him. They never found Zuriel, and the time away from the rest of their family seemed to be less focused on finding her and more focused on completely brainwashing both children. Domina's natural sass caused Elias to start to worry for Dominus' fellowship, and resulted in her death. This broke Dominus away from all emotions, not able to fully process the loss of his dearest sibling. He is currently on the run, trying to get as far away from his father as possible. The only problem is that he has started to hear the 'demons' his father drilled into his brain, making him confused on what the right thing to do from this point on is.

  • Anything goes with this guy.
  • He likely will not be romantically interested in anyone.
  • He loves to learn, and to spar.
  • He is a little desperate for another male to follow and erase what his father has done to his mind.

3 Years - Male - Chaotic Good - Loner
Hunting | Intellect

    Kane spent his youth helping his mother and sister out in Lirim for awhile before he left to search for his missing brother, Miach. He spent the first year and a half of his life trying to follow him, coming across his tracks a few times though never quick enough to actually encounter him. He had to fight many other wolves over kills to survive, and most of his scars are from these encounters. He didn't mind the hardship, and he followed his brother's trail adamantly only to be intercepted by his estranged father just before his second year, though he had no idea that this man was his sire. Without an explanation, Elias enslaved Kane and made him follow him back to Lirim in an attempt to return him to Zuriel, who had expressed to Elias her worries about her missing sons. The act only made Kane's mother fall more in love with Elias, but during his time with his father he was certain this man was not to be trusted. He did not want to ruin his mother's happiness, so he said nothing but he did warn his innocent sister and naive brother (who had returned to Lirim before him, apparently). He watched them leave Lirim and follow Elias blindly with a heavy heart, but that was the last he ever interacted with them. He left to do a little soul searching of his own, but lately he has been more curious than ever about his Adravendi blood.

  • Looking to run into other Adravendis, or anyone who knew Faite and Zuriel.
  • He is a bit of a hopeless romantic and incredibly loyal, open to romance.
  • He is not very expressive other than to show anger. Friends that help him discover himself and who he is would be a dream.
  • I would like for him to join up with other wolves from his mother's family, possibly rejoin Lirim.
  • Hunts and skill threads are more than welcome, as always.
  • He hates drama, but will tolerate it better from females. Keep this in mind when threading.

3 Years - Male - Chaotic Evil - Loner
Fighting | Hunting

    Legion was born to a strong mother who absolutely despised their father, Aures Ancora. She tought him about pride and strength, and those were the most valuable traits she could have passed down to him. As she grew old, he and his brothers helped take care of her for some time but.. caring for an old woman gets rather old, especially when in the prime of your life. At the cusp of his second year, his desires for personal glory became too strong to ignore. He set out and discovered his father that his mother so vocally despised had started a pack. This was his first real interaction with other wolves other than the few rogue girls he'd managed to encounter. He quickly discovered that packs were easy access to females and that's really all he cares about. If he has a heart, it's very guarded and kept in a locked chest buried deep beneath his pride. It's out of sight, out of mind but what he does feel is lust.. and a lot of it.

  • Looking for girls for him to flirt with, lie to, and cheat on. :3
  • Looking for couples that he could threaten to break apart, aha.
  • Looking for any other Ancoras, possibly his brothers, to reconnect with.
  • Looking for a pack that would find a really good use for him as a fighter.
  • Unlike Kane, he loves drama and creating it.

3 Years - Female - Chaotic Good - Kesali
Navigation | Healing

    Moon is a gem among my other characters, aha. She is very kind-hearted and loves to help. She will go far out of her way to make sure even strangers have what they need to get by. She is a natural healer and very intelligent. She is a quick thinker and an inventor. Her favorite pass-time is venturing to old human ruins and rediscovering old treasures to find uses for. When she isn't inventing, she is studying herbs and medicines. She is infertile, though currently trying her best to discover herbs that could possibly help her cure this. She has dreams of finding a man to love, starting a family, and all that... though has kept away from romance knowing her current problem with infertility. For now, she focuses on the family she has that is already alive but her emotions really seem to get to her when in the face of children.

  • Looking for skill threads.
  • Looking for other Wreckages to build bonds with!
  • Looking for other inventors/crafters to share their finds with her.
  • Looking for a male to rile up her heart a bit.

2 Years - Male - True Neutral - Loner
Fighting | Navigation

    Coming soon

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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