
Oh, Despicable Me



8 Years
01-10-2019, 10:06 PM
Mature language and content.

The stench the woman was emitting stained his nostrils. A snide scowl appeared across his features as the hormonal funk made way around his form. There was something incredibly off about the minx. Weeks before she was quivering below his form. Begging for his touch and burning with lust. But now? The bitch ignored his very existence, not even sparing the male a second look. The dots were not connecting in the slightest and beast was determined to understand what exactly the temptress was up to.

Rage poured out of the albino as his vision slowly turned red. As her intoxicating form stopped and turned his lips curled into a deepening sneer. His eyes connected with her own and fire flickered within his seething gaze. The words that came from the slimy serpentine stung and not within his heart. But within his bones. Her anger easily matched his own, two emotional hellhounds spitting insult after insult at one another. Hannibal remained silent as she reacted and observed her stomach just before her elongated tail moved to block his view. It appeared to be.. swollen? The limited view offered him nothing but questions and riddles. Was the stench pregnancy? Or could paranoia be getting the better of him. Though, it would explain her sudden distaste for the male.

Hannibal eyed the woman over with a look of mild disgust. His head raised and his lips twitched as he thought over his conspiracies. "Explain yourself, vixen." The male took a step closer with a growl emitting from his tight throat. His entire body was tense and his hackles began to raise out of pure instinct. If he wasn't conflicted about his earlier thoughts he would have charged her then. The femme deserved to be informed of the dominance he held over her. The bitch may not know it yet but Hannibal believed he was her her better and much more. "Explain to me why you now sputter forth filth from your lips that were salivating for my very touch just weeks ago." He took another step and tilted his head in the other direction. "Can you not handle your own womanly desires? Are you just that weak?" Hannibal snorted as the rest of his words rolled from his saliva ridden jowls. His gaze never moved an inch away from the babe and never would. Hannibal demanded answers and would receive them one way or another.

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.