
Oh, Despicable Me



7 Years
01-10-2019, 10:47 PM
Power play approved beforehand!

The vixen felt like a ghost in a world of paper dolls. She was the ghost in her own machine. Nothing but a ghost running through time and space, looking, always looking in the blackness for a sacred spark from her Gods. And all this world becomes noise, a distraction and now this insufferable manwhore standed before her. Her. Raging and throwing insults at her holy self. A Goddess in her prime, he should hit the ground ad the mere sight of her, to kiss the earth she descends upon. She was a Goddess in both grace and beauty; a unique creature upon this damned world. Queen of the Underworld. Goddess of mourning. Who was this mortal to belittle her? The father of her litter, of her cubs? He had no idea and if it where by her will alone, he will never discover it. Impudent, mortal. the vixen spatted, words wrapped in venom, meant to cut, to sting in their intonation as the woman spit in front of his very massive paw. Should all he be is a fragment of fire, barely a cinder, it matters not, because she will become a river of gasoline and burn him whole and she had made this present by raising her crown as tall as she physically could to defy him and his falsetto theatrical dominance he seemed to think to have over her. She never removed her tail nor flinched at his words. A continous defiant of authority, she locked her gaze on him, narrowed her violed jewels in slits and mimicked each of his steps, she was not going to back down and bring shame to her bloodline.

Rage builds like deep water currents. She did everything right - everything -and still this situation is a damn mess that she cannot find a way out of. Everything dear he might actually have in this world is what she made and the manwhore dares to squander it like an ill-raised child. Why can't he just back down from all this interrogation and be on his way. There is no need for him. She did not need him for this. Weakness That's when her anger comes, unleashed without thought of consequence. Even those that didn't earn this wrath today earned it at some point.

Red. Everything went red as a tremendous growl escaped from the bottom of her throat. Her vision blurred as a flame curled in the pit of her stomach. Her brain went on overdrive as it picked every moment that she'd spent crying, that she'd ask for others help. The memories weighed down on her in a flash, in a moment, but instead of breaking even more, her heart turned ice cold, her muscles tensed as they rippled under her luxurious coat, and slunk into the shadows as her brain took complete control. How dare you?! the snarl she released was otherwordly, poison driping from her own ebon lips, resembling more of a lion roar than a wolf, shaking the world. The flames in her stomach rose up to her chest and crawling through her veins, took over the rest of her body. Her right paw rose from the frozen blanket. It happened in just a moment. The slap was as loud as a clap and must have stung his face. It had been an open-paw smack and it had left a red welt behind. Just below his left eye was a small cut where her golden ring had caught him.

The clouds I can handle,
but I can't fight an eclipse.
html by castlegraphics; image by vethysnia
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together