
Oh, Despicable Me



8 Years
01-10-2019, 11:24 PM
pp is approved

Mortal. It was true he was entirely mortal yet no one has tested such. Hannibal had participated in two great wars within his time back home and he came out clean. Perhaps it was luck or maybe skill. But, danger and pain seemed to avoid the beast at all costs. No one had been daring enough to properly hurt the male as he did to others. The male was a horrid creature with severe moral issues. He was evil but in a way in which made your skin crawl with self-loathing and doubt. He was not insane but perhaps riddled with arrogance and narcissism. An ego so inflated by the Wolves that pamper his very existence it would take decades to deflate. Perhaps he desired nothing more then someone to challenge him.

Hannibal witnessed a change within the temptress. Once devastated and venomous now riddle with a blossoming rage. Red painted the two Wolves as the tension built around them. Three horrific words were spewed from her chops which caused Hannibal to snort almost instantly. Snot flew from his pink and black nose and saliva dripped from his parted lips. Though, what happened next was nothing but a shock to his entire system. A teacup paw quickly slapped against his black and white cheek. A small cut forming with blood slowly oozing out onto his pale fur. A bruise quickly came forth and the area stung immensely.

Only a singular silent moment passed before the male launched. A ear piercing growl ripped from his throat as the male moved to barrel into the bitch. His chest aimed to press against her own as his right paw moved to shove against the left portion of the back of her neck. With this the male attempt to lift himself up and press her down. Bared fangs sputtered forth saliva as his narrowed eyes glossed over. The woman resisted but he was able to power through and press her form against the cold earth. Hannibal towered over the babe with the same paw on her neck and the other near her face. His head lowered so his muzzle was only an inch away from her own. Mis match eyes stared into her purple as he heavily breathed over her pinned bodice. "You dig your grave, whore." Though, something in the back of his head whispered. His consciousness beckoned his eyes to glaze over her belly. Eagerly his gaze flicked to her abdomen which in result revealed the truth. Swollen nipples and a round tummy could be seen and his eyes went wide. He took a few long moments to stare but his eyes were foggy with terror.

His paw pressed heavily against her neck as his eyes seemed to rip themselves away from her abdomen. Hannibal now looked into her one visible eye and spat forth toxic vocals. "You carry my offspring." A simple statement. He knew they were his, her very reaction concluded such. The man let forth another growl but this time it seemed rather painful. He turned around to walk a few steps away from the woman who was assumed to be still on the ground. "You swam in open water while carrying my offspring?!" His eyes were crazed as he turned to face her once again but not closing the distance just yet. "You cannot be trusted, foul witch." He stood tall now, exerting all every ounce of dominance he had. "You will come with me. You will follow me to Erovrare and be under my watch until you nurse the cubs to a year of age." Hannibal lowered his form again with a sickening scowl, "If you dare resist I will you by take you by force."

speech action
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.