
Just like you, like me, like everybody else


07-11-2013, 09:53 PM

(OOC: I'm hoping for Roberto here to join a pack or have someone claim him as their companion of some sort. He's not exactly the smartest guy so you could tell him pretty much anything and he'd do it lol)

"What is that...?" the young, black brute mumbled to himself, his nose to the ground. He zigged this way and that across the barren plain that was the battlefield, picking up the dark, metallic scent that seemed to be everywhere here. He stopped mid step, freezing in place as he came across a particularly strong spot of the scent he had been following, looking at the dark colored patch of ground in front of him uncomprehendingly. His head tilted to the side as he considered it, but he couldn't place where he had smelled this scent before. Rolling his shoulders in a shrug, he gave up on it and trotted over to a nearby pool of water, lapping up the cool liquid happily, coming up with water dripping off of his muzzle. He looked up at the bright spring sky, sitting down at the edge of the pool and watching at the fluffy white clouds drifted past his vision. It was a lovely day, he thought with a nod. His crooked grin crossed his muzzle and he hopped up so he could trot across the battlefield, practically bouncing with happiness.

He suddenly came to a halt and looked around him, his head sweeping from side to side. It was so quiet someone could drop a pin and he'd be able to hear it. Absolutely no one was here! He frowned and flopped down onto his haunches with a thud, reaching his back paw up to his slightly floppy ear and scratching at it. When he was satisfied and lowered his paw again, he sighed and looked around. Nope, not a soul around. He sighed, frowning unhappily. What good was such a lovely day if no one was here to share it with? He sure would like it if someone could tell him what that smell was coming from too. That metallic scent was everywhere and he just couldn't remember what it was from, no matter how hard he tried. He whined softly and his ears folded back against his skull. It was so frustrating, not knowing what that smell all around him was. And it was just sad, not having anyone to spend time with. He hoped someone came along soon.
