
The Kookaburra Sits In The Old Gum Tree


01-11-2019, 01:39 AM

Kasdeya had returned to Auster, to the Empire for no more than a few days. She had chosen a den in the Garden, and while there were many herbs there for her to choose from, she did have many furs and dried medicines that she wanted to retrieve from her old den. The Goddess made her way to Risen's old hunting grounds, though she was careful in her approach. She had booby traps that had been left behind, so she figured she ought to check them before she went back. She kept her eyes peeled and followed the same path in that she used to get out. Nets and trip wires, snares and pits all lied in wait for unsuspecting prey, but she would not be the one captured, oh no. Her many traps were generally reserved for prey animals, to make it easier for her to obtain the necessary resources she needed. Furs, bones, food for the was all necessary both for her use and for the packs use. The furs she mainly used for her den, as well as to hold small bundles of herbs. Bones she liked to use for decoration, and, occasionally, she liked to crush and add to her many experiments. The femme made it to her den, and there she proceeded to check her old stores to see what could still be used, and what needed to be thrown away.
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