
Boing, Boing, Boing... Boing


07-11-2013, 10:09 PM

Miharu Rokujo

Miharu raised his ears as he hesitated listening to what the two of them said. An object could be as precious as life, he knew that, he knew it from Yoite being the one thing he had cared about more than the world. Everyone else in the world could have gone and run off a cliff for all he cared about. His old friends even he would give the world to protect those he was loyal to, and he chose only a few to be loyal to these days. As she spoke, the collar spoke back to her, was it the spirits that kept themselves tied to the collar and they told her what she needed. A friend in the world for her. Finally he was given permission and he gave a nod as he sniffed it, digging in the scent but in no way did he touch it. There was her scent mixed all over it along with the Lynx's, but he tried to hint lower. The stale scent of other areas was on her, and one he didn't know, that must have been it. He stored it in his memory, humans......creatures that he hoped to never run across if they had made these things. He stepped back and dipped his head, he hadn't cared for being called weird, he'd rather have that then a compliment any day.
"I would never take precious from you because it is yours. One's object can be their souls. Where I grew up spirits often chose an object so that they could protect who they liked the most. From my perspective the spirits have blessed you with not only a living friend but your precious as well." Miharu stated with his eyes closed as he looked at Cana. She was indeed strange, but she was blessed in a way, he himself was an excellent fighter the two of them could have been at par with each other if he really thought about it. Miharu flicked his tail as he came down onto his stomach and flicked his tail paws out front. "And if I'm weird so are you." He laughed a little, he wasn't being mean just a bit playful to the best of his ability anyway.
Miharu sighed and sat up again dipping his head to the dog. "I would like to be your friend, I could show you around Alacritis if you like." He said. It was almost like an effort, maybe this was a stupid idea. Perhaps May would disapprove even, but if he saw something there had to be a chance she was special right? The spirits forgive him for being an idiot. Even though he was a killer, perhaps it would make mark of something that Cana had. Her odd behavior was nothing really.
