
Just like you, like me, like everybody else



07-11-2013, 10:21 PM

The beast stalked the blood ridden ground in a stiff mannered fashion. Cerulean gaze flickered back and forth across the landscape. So much had gone on here recently. Battle after battle had took place. How could the slayer not be attracted to the place like a moth to the flame. The Greek wasn't overly curious nor was he looking for a fight. He merely just wanted to observe and learn. It was a soldier's job to be privy to such things and he soaked knowledge up like a sponge. He would not be oblivious to such events. He refused.

Another scent drew him from his investigations. It was another wolf which was of no surprise to him. They came and went here. Such pitiful little things. Some came here to be claimed. Those were the ones that were weak. So intimidating by making just a simple decision as to which pack to join. Why join one at all when you could be yourself? Sure he came from a pack, but he'd been born in it. Now he was out on his own. He quite enjoyed being a rogue. No one told him what to do and he owed nothing to no one. Instead he did an assassin's job and went along with his business. Of course it wouldn't be without a proper reward for himself, but he would kill whomever the wolf asked him to so long as whatever he received was equal to it.

It didn't take him long. His nose barely recognized the familiar metallic scent. Instead it trained on the scent of the male he smelled ahead of him. He found the blackened creature by a water source. Glacial eyes observed him. He didn't seem to have any particular talents. Hell, he didn't even seem to belong here. Was he one of those weaklings searching for something greater, but needed guidance of another to help make such a simple decision?

"What brings you here kid? This place is not for you?"

Greek tones rolled easily from his chest. His voice was as stoic as ever and rather brash. He wasn't going to sugar coat things. He'd be blunt and to the point. It was a much faster way to get through conversations. He wasn't a very social wolf. That much was obvious.
