
Party Starter



8 Years
01-11-2019, 09:54 PM

Hannibal had found a worthy home. Erovrare offered the Klein a playing ground. A place in which he could eat, sleep, and fuck as he wished. Although, he may have been doing a bit too much of the third. But the beast was lustful and until someone of high rank told him to slow his roll the male would keep doing as he pleased. Of course with all of this he put in his fair share of work as well. He had fought off a Polar Bear with his pack mates and hunted every day to fill the food stores. He cared despite his breathtaking arrogance. If Erovrare thrived so did himself. Everything the albino did was for his own well being and had no ill will towards the pack or it's leaders. As long as they returned such notions.

"I have, brother."" Hannibal smiled back, flashing those pearly whites. This may be the first genuine smile he had offered since appearing in Boreas. "Erovrare. A kingdom much like the Klein Empire. A sturdy and growing group of Wolves. Capable pack members and a unique territory. I believe you would make a fine Infantry Specialist with your fighting background." With a nod the man's attention flicked towards rustling thicket. Tyranis came forth and Hannibal dipped his head in a respectful bow. The High Lord spoke the albino's name before turning his attention on Carthage as expected. Hannibal stood tall but his usual dominance was lessened in regard of Tyranis' presence. The male had no reason to threaten his alpha and truly wished for the encounter to go smoothly. He knew his brother could be a hot head and hoped no quarrels would form. "This is my brother." Hannibal flicked his pink nose towards Carthage as for it was now time for the other Klein to introduce himself.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.