
Oh, Despicable Me



8 Years
01-11-2019, 11:03 PM
extreme mature content.

Two venomous serpent spitting toxin at one another. Devilish vocals and insults littered the cold air. Two wildfire gazes that seemingly ignited one another. One a pale phantom and the other an Egyptian witch. A match made by Hades himself, forged by essence of death. The pups that grow within the female's belly would be the spawn of two hellhounds. Creatures to come forth and reign terror down on Boreas just as their parents. Thats is if their enraged parents could agree on a way to work together. Which at this point seemed nearly impossible. Hannibal wished for nothing more then the safety of his offspring. They would be his firstborn pups and cherished from the get go. His heart ached at the thought of any ill will coming to them in any sense. The beast lived to father many litters. To pass on his "endless" knowledge and teach them how to be strong Kleins just like himself. But, only one thing stood on the way.. their whore of a mother.

The pregnant Wolf began to spew forth her horrific tales. Lies and slander slithered from her mutant tongue and his lips maintained a curled sneer. His fanged dripped with oozing saliva as the thought of ripping her throat out delighted his mind. If it weren't for his pups the male would have attempted to lay her guts out upon the white snow at a moments notice. If it weren't for her initial reaction to seeing him again he wouldn't know they were his. But, she gave it away before they had even began speaking. Why would she hide a pregnancy from a complete stranger? "You vomits lies, Snake." The male took another step forward with tense legs. His breathing was heavy and one could see his abdomen raising and lowering rather dramatically. Her mention of bad seed went in one ear and out another.

The witch closed the distance between them and continued to riddle off her shouts of defiance. Yet, the last words spoken were the ones that truly frightened the male. Her vocals spoke of abortion, to rid her body of the pups entirely. To be so utterly cruel and rid the world of what could be the next rulers of Boreas. Red painted his vision as he inched forward, their breaths mingled and his muzzle was a hair length away from her own. "You foul fucking bitch. To rid yourself of the promise of life. To destroy our chance to create the next generation of rulers." His blood was destined for power and he knew his children would be powerful enough to obtain crowns of their own some day. "I was correct. You are too weak to harness the powers of your feminine duty. To resort to abortion of all things."

The male turned away, ripping his body away from her own and taking a few steps to the side. Hannibal began to pace as his hefty paws met the earth with audible thuds. His pink tongue slithered across cold lips as he thought over the situation. Either she came to Erovrare and nursed the pups until they were of age or he had to disown his parental rights. In no way was he allowing the woman to run off and rid herself of the pups. Nor was he going to allow her to have them on her own and die off in the thick of the winter. "Even if you are so evil as to abort our offspring you would die before winter ends. To succumb to the side effects of whatever herb or berry you may consume.. Or whatever physical forms of abortion you may consider. The elements will destroy you within days." The hellhounds eyes poured into her own as he stopped his pacing to look at her in a much more serious tone. "Or if you have the pups on your own as a rogue the lot of you would die off in not time." Hannibal spoke the complete and utter truth. To succumb to child birth in the winter and raise the pups on your own. If she didn't die of blood loss the elements would get her.

"Come to Erovrare and act as my Bondservant until the pups are a year of age. You will have shelter, territory, food, and safety. The pups will have a kingdom to roam and grow strong in. As they grow into yearlings you may leave and never return." The man then narrowed his eyes even more with a little cock of his head. "What do you choose, wench? Life or death?"

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.