
A Change in the Wind



07-11-2013, 10:43 PM

Deteste warmed greatly at the mention of his pack lands, talking about his first times in Ludicael, seeing the mangroves. He understood the feeling that he would never be happy anywhere else. Valhalla was his place, and he was proud to be the Beta there. ?I would be honored to visit.? He dipped his head with a smile.

Cormalin smiled as Meili admitted she was hungry, asking playfully, ?Have you ever tried beaver? Rich and fatty, excellent for Winter hunting, but tricky since they?re mostly aquatic and can deal nasty bites with those front teeth. They make the most unusual noises, as well.?

Her little chuckle at his remark about rabbits made his heavy tail wave lightly in a wag. Her reply made him grin, and wink. ?That?s the catch there. ?If?. I haven?t managed to catch one since I was four, and that was four years ago. I stick to slow prey now.? He noticed her shiver as the wind gusted, and stepped inconspicuously into the path of the wind to act as wall against the cold. Gentle concern glinted in his eyes as he studied her. As she shook it off, he smiled, tail wagging gently as she looked at him and Deteste. Then she spoke to Deteste. The blue eyed black male?s reply made the Valhallan Beta smile. He agreed wholly with the Ludicael wolf. Until he said it like she?d already joined Valhalla. Cormalin tilted his head slightly at Deteste, questioning, catching the wink.

And as Deteste excused himself, Cormalin understood. Deteste was giving Cormalin the field, and the chance to claim the young female to Valhalla?s protection and family. Cormalin smiled. ?And I will honor my offer. Walk safely, and may Luna be with you, Deteste.? He dipped his head and watched the Ludicael Alpha leave. After a moment, he turned his mismatched gaze to Meili. ?Would you like me to explain about packs and ranks? They can vary from pack to pack. Some name their ranks differently. It?s good knowledge to have, should you not wish to live within Valhalla. And I want you to think carefully and be sure that you want to be in the pack you choose before you join them.? He genuinely cared for the young female. He didn?t want to hear that she had joind a pack, and become unhappy there.