
Midnight Tracking



7 Years
01-12-2019, 09:35 AM

Typhon couldn't sleep, though as of late his sleep had been relatively restless. A nighttime walk wasn't anything out of the ordinary. He found it easier to work through his thoughts when he was alone, when these familiar lands were void of much life besides his own. As much as he treasured the company of his family, they never ceased to cause anxiety in the burly male, no matter how hard he tried to fight it. At least in the darkness of night he was able to mull over his own thoughts without worrying about who he might run into.

He was surprised when he caught a trail of Zinnia's scent as he neared the eastern edge of the castle, leading away from packlands. Wondering what she was doing at this hour away from home, he was too curious to ignore her scent. Curious was one word for it, but he also felt weirdly protective over her, and worried about where she might be headed. It was a weird feeling for him, but one he didn't bother to fight as he ambled through the plains.

His pace quickened when her scent drew even closer, but what mostly caught his attention was the slight commotion he head up ahead. He swore he heard the sound of hooves beating on the ground, and then silence. Typhon quickened his pace - likely scaring off the prey entirely in the process - as he made to find Zinnia, unaware that she wasn't in trouble at all, and that he had merely ruined her hunt on accident. His eyes had yet to fully adjust to the dim light of the moon, and he nearly collided with her by the time he realized he was close, though he immediately took a few steps back and cleared his throat. "Zinnia, I-" He what? He feared she might be left defenseless out here? Surely she knew how to take care of herself, and deep down Typhon knew that. "What are you doing out here?" The question was curious rather than accusatory, his tone obviously a bit bewildered.
© argent 2017