


01-12-2019, 09:53 AM
Halvar wasn't honestly sure that any of his brothers, including himself, were necessarily sound of mind but if anyone fit that mold, perhaps it might be Aesir. Their larger brother had always been a bit more grounded than he and Kvasir, his stubbornness somehow seeming like a sign of control, a stark contrast to his own more frantic spirit. The truth was though that he'd felt quite out of sorts without his brothers being near, and though it'd been rare for him to spend so much time away from then - well, his little solo adventure was concluded. He'd been focused on trailing after his brothers' scents to these unfamiliar lands, and though he seriously doubted a way to lift his family's curse, if his brothers wanted to give it a try he'd be right behind them.

It wasn't much of a surprise to him that Kvasir's scent led him straight to this field, a grass plain littered with metal scraps and trinkets. It was a curious place, and one that definitely caught his attention too. His own pace was slow and careful, a reflection of his unusually pleasant mood - but how could he be anything but when his kin had found such an interesting case? As soon as he saw Kvasir's silhouette in the distance he, too, found himself chuckling like a fool, not the type to contain his emotions even when no one else was around. With a bounce in his step, he quickened his pace to catch up to his brother as quickly as he could.

"I'm not sure you'll find anything here to lift our curse, brother," Halvar commented, clearly in a good mood. Usually the mention of their curse was enough to irritate him, as one who believed it to be completely true, but today he was able to make light of their situation. "Or are you trying to ensure it passes on to our children?" He spoke with a casualness that couldn't be forced, and offered a slow shrug, despite the grin he wore as he turned to face his brother and greet him.

"Talk" "You" Think