
Fix me Father



07-11-2013, 10:58 PM

It seemed like it had happened a long time ago, Octavian's death. The night she figured he took his own life after the things that had happened to him, the darkness that had formed in his heart causing him to spill blood all over the floor of this cave. Loccian wasn't there to see the start of it, but she was there to see enough, enough that caused her great pain to just stand there.

Right now she felt like she had failed as a new parent for Augustus. She had lashed out at him while upset about the brute Squall attacking her brother for no reason, upset that he had showed up at the battlefield when he should have been at home. She didn't want to blame him for it, but he did upset her by going out there. He might be growing but he was still young, he would stand no chance at all against an adult like that black, white and brown male. Then he dare bring up Octavian when he didn't even meet him, only heard stories that were lies.

She didn't want to be mad at him, he had gone to the battlefield for a reason. How could she get upset about that? Before she could even think about that, how could she let her emotions get the best of her. Why couldn't she contain them like others could, that way she wouldn't hurt the ones she loved, even if they were new additions to the family...

When she told him to unleash his wrath on her, Loccian really id expect to feel pain stab right into her back. To feel a weight push her to the ground. And the thing is, she would have let it happen.

What she got though shocked the small shewolf. Augustus came up behind er, and instead of snapping at her flesh with his fangs, he nuzzled into her side, making her jump. Hr heart nearly jumped out of her chest, racing now as he began to speak. She could feel her throat tightening, eyes welling up, tears slowly making their way down her cheeks. All she could do was sit there, grey orbs staring straight ahead into the darkness as she listened to her nephew speak.

Her jaw dropped slightly at his words, he didn't wanna feel like a burden to Thane like he was here... No, he was no burden at all. He never would be. He started to beg her to heal his hurt heart, her own heart starting to crack at the pain in his voice Physical wounds could be healed, but the memories that came with them couldn't. That went for his heart, all she could do was try to soothe it, but she would never be able to fully heal it.

But then he broke into feeling guilty he never met his father, asked what happened that day, what his fathers last words were. Loccian couldn't take it. The shewolf turned around to look at the boy, lips parting to tell him something but then a new voice broke in.

Ears folded back and lips curled over, a low growl rumbling in the back of her throat. Why did he have to be here at a time like this? Why couldn't he just wait till she left so he could open his trap? She would however keep calm, there was no way she would lash out at him in the place her brother and Augustus's father had died. She would listen to him though, even if it seemed like she was ignoring him. Ears were partially up, listening to his voice. She did feel bad for him, but his actions on the battlefield prevented her from fully feeling bad for him enough to act in a friendly manner towards him. If he made it up somehow, she could warm up to him. She wouldn't admit that though unless they were alone and having a heart to heart talk.

Jaws clenched as Augustus asked her not to be upset. She didn't answer his question a bout her giving him a second chance, but she did nod her head when he asked to be taken to his father's grave. That she could definitely do.

Loccian lowered her head, rubbing her cheek against Augustus's, down and along his neck. I will not fight in your father's last place on earth Augustus... nor do I want to at all. She whispered, pulling away from him, gently licking a tear from his cheek. She did not look to Squall yet, she couldn't. So instead she pushed herself up, tail hanging behind her, head low, sadness still in her dull gaze.

Would you like to hear what happened that day... the day everything starting spiraling out of control? She asked her tone was full of sadness, but it held a sort of emptiness, like something was missing. Her question was directed mainly to Augustus, but if Squall would like to know he could since she would not try running him out of her hear. She needed something to calm her down, needed to hear hat her brother said before he died. The day I started to fall into the darkness...


Awesome table by Andy <3