
The Wheel In The Sky Keeps On Turning



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
01-12-2019, 10:56 AM
You Wash Your Hands, You Come Home Clean...

Griff eyed the items they'd brought and Ashiel grinned with amusement at the deep concentration written across the birds face. "I like the idea of a quill but I think the process needs more thought. I'm not sure if a wolf could truly use such a thing nor do I think I have the delicacy to." Ashiel nodded. "I thought about that. Actually, I was thinking we could gift it to Malleus. His companion would have the capability to use such a device to great effect with some practice." The bird considered this for a moment, with a note of jealousy at the primate's adept fingers, but ultimately shook his head. "It would rely much on images unless you have a system of language in mind."

Ashiel frowned. He had been thinking on ways for them to keep records of their families history. There were so many factors that could tarnish an oral tradition. For one, someone needed to be around to tell it and for another it had to be free of embellishments. A speaker could alter it whenever at their leisure and that didn't sit well with him. He'd been wanting to speak with his mother for ages about more of their legends but she was tricksome and difficult to pin down. "Let's try it. We have nothing to lose from creating something new other than to know whether or not it is worth expanding on in the future. I'll think on a form of writing. My mother has spoken to me of stones with strange writing upon them. I think we can infer something from that."

Griff nodded. "Alright, I'll need to help you with this. Take one of the quills and place it gently, but firmly between your paws. See how the shaft is hollow? Take the tip and-"

The bird paused at the sound of movement in the water. Ashiel's ears flicked forward and he peered out about the grasses. The sound was caused by something large and he wondered what poor creature had decided to forge through the winter waters. A familiar form was speaking in ritualistic fashion from the freezing water. Nephthys. He recognized the woman from an earlier meeting and remembered that she was the child of another pantheon of gods. Grinning he moved to the waters edge. "I thought I recognized those melodious tones. Greetings, Nephthys, I hope I am not interrupting."


-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.